Archiwa: Vidéos

Laser for retina and vitreous: all you need to know in 2023


SubLiminal Laser Therapy: Concept and reasons

Dr Kenneth FONG presents SubLiminal Laser Therapy for macula diseases through the concepts and reasons, during APAO 2021

Macular Laser photocoagulation: Still relevant in 2021?

During the EURETINA symposium, Dr Victor Chong explains his ideas on Macular Laser Photocoagulation wondering if it is still relevant in 2021.

Anti-VEGF vs Laser for PDR, a changing treatment paradigm?

Dr Lihteh Wu talks about the controversies in laser treatment in 2021 during the EURETINA symposium.
Do We Still Need Subthreshold Laser for Macular Diseases?

Do We Still Need Subthreshold Laser for Macular Diseases?

On the occasion of the launch of the new society SOLS (Subthreshold Ophthalmic Laser Society), Dr. Kenneth Fong, Dr. Victor Chong, Dr. Lihteh Wu, Dr Jay Chhablani & Dr. Alejandro Filloy Rius discussed the use of Subthreshold Laser for Macular Diseases.
What is the role of Easyret subthreshold laser in macular diseases?

What is the role of Easyret subthreshold laser in macular diseases?

Dr Kenneth Fong reviews the role of Easyret® subthreshold laser for DME and CSR treatment. In this webinar (in English), he concludes that yellow subthreshold laser has more beneficial effect in visual acuity than half dose PDT.
Subliminal laser for AMD

SubLiminal laser for AMD

Dr. Victor Chong presents the value of subliminal laser technology in the treatment of AMD.
SubLiminal Laser for predominantly non-center involving DME?

SubLiminal Laser for predominantly non-center involving DME?

During EURETINA 2020, Dr Chritine Kiire presents Subliminal laser for predominantly non-centre involving Diabetic Macular Oedema.
Transfoveal subliminal laser treatment of CSCR

Transfoveal SubLiminal Laser treatment for CSC

During EURETINA 2020, Dr Maciej Gawecki explained the role of Subliminal laser treatment for CSC.
Expanding clinical application of SubLiminal laser therapy

Concept and reasons of the SubLiminal laser approach: should we treat the fovea?

During EURETINA 2020, Dr Lihteh Wu presents the concept and reasons of the SubLiminal laser approach: should we treat the fovea?

Od 1993 roku Quantel Medical opracowuje, produkuje i wprowadza na rynek innowacyjne, laserowe i ultradźwiękowe wyroby medyczne. Jesteśmy światowym liderem okulistyki. Nasze laserowe i ultradźwiękowe urządzenia mają na celu rozpoznawanie i leczenie czterech głównych przyczyn utraty wzroku: zaćmy, jaskry, retinopatii cukrzycowej i zwyrodnienia plamki żółtej, jak również zespołu suchego oka.


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